
Bruce Shrink is a web platform for medical and academic publishing.

Bruce Shrink was born of the desire to escape the constraints and frustrations placed on medical and academic authors by conventional publishing practices.

Many years of hard work writing an often unique book rarely reaps much reward for the author either in renown or monetarily. Bruce Shrink offers far more favourable contracted returns for authors (reflecting their effort and status) compared with the percentages conventionally extracted by mainstream publishers.  Marketing, academic peer reviewing and ‘librarisation’ are maximally pursued from web-based platforms.

At the same time, readers increasingly seek instant access to textbooks on their devices rather than shelf bound hard copy volumes.  e-publishing is at the heart of Bruce Shrink (although the possibility to print alternative or additional hard copy books remains).

If you ‘have a book in you’ and would like to discuss further, in principle or in detail, please contact Bruce Shrink founder Prof. Chris Bunker by email cbb@bruceshrink.co.uk