How do I download the eBook?

There are two opportunities to download the eBook. Once you have checked out "Downloads" will appear on the Checkout page.  You will also receive an email confirming your order details including a download button.

What do I need to read the eBook?

The Digital Rights Management (DRM) of the eBook is protected by Adobe DRM.  To view the eBook you will need an Adobe ID and Adobe Digital Editions, both of which are free.  The Adobe ID must be the same on all the devices you wish to use to read the eBook.  If you already have one then  use it, otherwise register for a new one.

How do I get an Adobe ID?

To get an Adobe ID click here https://account.adobe.com and click "Get an Adobe ID”, fill in the form and sign up.

How do I download Adobe Digital Editions?

Adobe Digital Editions can be downloaded here https://www.adobe.com/uk/solutions/ebook/digital-editions/download.html



How many devices can I download the eBook to?

The Digital Rights Management will allow you to download the eBook to 6 different devices for your own personal use under the terms of the Licence agreement. When you reach the limit of devices you may deinstall on one device and install on another.

Error Messages

Adobe error message: E_LIC_ALREADY_FULFILLED_BY_ANOTHER_USER.  Adobe generates this error message if you attempt to open the eBook on another device with a different Adobe ID to the one you used for the intial download.  Log off Adobe and log back in using the same Adobe ID you used for your initial download.

How do I get support?

Should you encounter problems please email support@bruceshrink.co.uk